
  • (September 2020) Anacleto Lab won the European project "ParBigMen: ParSMURF application to Big genomic and epigenomic data for the detection of pathogenic variants in Mendelian diseases". Anacleto Lab has been awarded with 50 M core hours on SuperMUC-NG High Performance Computing cluster in Munich. The research will develop and apply advanced Machine Learning and HPC methods to discover the pathogenic variants associated with genetic diseases.

  • (June-2020) AnacletoLab members joined the COV-IRT (COVID-19 International Research Team): COV-IRT is a large interdisciplinary international consortium involving 28 institutions worldwide and leaded by NASA Ames Research Center and Rice University to efficiently and rapidly improve our understanding of COVID-19, identify potential therapeutic targets for the disease, and develop a safe and effective vaccine.

  • (13-6-2020) Project "SARS-COVID-xpert project: development of a multi-modal AI approach for Covid-19 diagnosis and risk stratification" submitted for the MUR call "FISR SARS-Cov-2"

  • (12-6-2020) Project "Twin4Health_vNurse: Artificial Intelligence, IoT and Big Data-driven Virtual Nurses for patients and ageing people" submitted for the H2020 call "FET Open – Novel ideas for radically new technologies"

  • (4-6-2020) Project "PRECISE-RD: Precision Medicine for Rare Diseases - from diagnosis to treatment" submitted for the H2020 call "Digital diagnostics – developing tools for supporting clinical decisions by integrating various diagnostic data"

  • (4-6-2020) Project "DKD-PA Diabetic Kidney Disease Patient Avatar" submitted for the H2020 call "Digital diagnostics – developing tools for supporting clinical decisions by integrating various diagnostic data" (as part of the CINI unit)

  • (5-5-2020) Project "ParBigMen: ParSMURF application to Big genomic and epigenomic data for the detection of pathogenic variants in Mendelian diseases" submitted for the 21st PRACE call (Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe)

  • (20-4-2020) Project "*SyBiSAR: Development of a Systems Biology and informatic platform for the identification of off-label drugs for SARS-CoV-2 infection therapy" submitted for the Cariplo/Fondazione Veronesi call "Misure a sostegno dello sviluppo di collaborazioni per l’identificazione di terapie e sistemi di diagnostica, protezione e analisi per contrastare l’emergenza Coronavirus e altre emergenze virali del futuro”

  • (24-1-2020) Project "Innovative semi-supervised Machine Learning methods for Network Medicine" submitted for the Italy-Brazil call "Joint Science and Technology Cooperation - Artificial Intelligence"

  • (17-12-2019) Invited talk at the Annual Workshop in Bioinformatics and Genomics of the Catalan Society of Biology and the Bioinformatics Barcelona Association, Barcelona, Spain.
    Title of the talk: Machine Learning for Computational Biology and Precision Medicine

  • (13-11-2019) Invited talk at ICAIH 2019 – First Industrial Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Health
    Title of the talk: Contributions of AnacletoLab to the application of AI to Medicine

  • (28-10-2019) AnacletoLAB seminar: Machine Learning algorithms for making inferences on networks and answering questions in Biology and Medicine.
    Speaker: Alberto Paccanaro, Department of Computer Science Centre for Systems and Synthetic Biology Royal Holloway, University of London.

  • (24-09-2019) AnacletoLAB seminar: Interpretation of human genetic variation across the genome
    Speaker: Martin Kircher, BIH-JRG Computational Genome Biology, Universitastsmedizin, Berlin.