AnacletoLAB people
We are a group of researchers full-time or partially involved in Computational Biology and Bioinformatics research:
- Alberto Cabri (RTDA Researcher)
- Emanuele Cavalleri (PhD student)
- Elena Casiraghi (Associate professor, group coordinator)
- Marco Frasca (Associate professor)
- Jessica Gliozzo (Post-doc researcher)
- Marco Mesiti (Associate professor, group vice-coordinator)
- Marco Nicolini (researcher)
- Mario Pennacchioni (External associate researcher)
- Paolo Perlasca(Assistant professor)
- Mauricio Soto-Gomez (RTDA Researcher)
- Giorgio Valentini (Full professor)
We would also like to add Alberto Bertoni, who recently departed his life. He created the conditions to develop a Computational Biology Lab in our Computer Science dept. and effectively contibuted to computational biology research with his unique and exceptional research qualities.
Several people of our Department, mainly involved in other research areas, collaborate with us, providing fundamental contributions from broad areas of Computer Science (Theoretical Computer Science, Image and Signal Processing, Algorithms and Data Structures, Data Base Systems and Retrieval, Artificial Intelligence):
Master degree students that developed or are developing their theses at Bioinformatics Lab:
- Hamidreza Saebfar (master Molecular Biotechnology and Bioinformatics)
- Federico Stacchietti (master Computer Science)
- Emanuele Cavalleri (master Bioinformatics for Computational Genomics)
- Marco Nicolini (master Computer Science)
- Valentina Guarino (master Biophysics)
- Stefano Taverni (master Computer Science)
- Luca Fumagalli (master Computer Science)
- Nicole Maria Formenti (master Data Science)
- Ettore Tancredi Galante (master Computer Science)
- Elisa Palladino (Bachelor Computer Science)
- Francesco Merati (master Computer Science)
- Vittorio Triassi (master Computer Science)
- Riccardo Grimi (master Computer Science)
- Fabio Lipreri (master Computer Science)
- Carlo Angelucci (master Computer Science)
- Giovanni Mancinelli (master Computer Science)
- Alessio Cuzzocrea (master Computer Science)
- Marco Odore (master Computer Science)
- Francesco Lumachi (master Computer Science)
- Claudia Antenozio (master in Biomolecular Biotechnologies and Bioinformatics)
- Marta Cavalleri (master in Applied Mathematics)
- Carla Molteni (master in Applied Mathematics)