Gabriella Trucco

Gabriella Trucco

Assistant Professor

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PhD: 2005 Computer Science, Università degli Studi di Milano

MSc: 2002 Computer Science, Università degli Studi di Milano

Email: gabriella (dot) trucco (at) unimi (dot) it

Main interests: bioinformatics, phylogenetics analysis, data management

Gabriella Trucco graduated in Computer Science in 2002 (University of Milan); in 2005 she received the PhD in Computer Science (University of Milan). From 2006 she is an assistant professor at the Department of Computer Science, University of Milan. Her research activity covers two main fields: - bioinformatics: development of algorithms and software for genome analysis, phylogenetic analysis and haplotype inference; - development of logic synthesis and testing techniques, together with methodologies, models and algorithms for the analysis and the simulation of crosstalk effects in mixed analog-digital CMOS integrated circuits.